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  • Writer's pictureMajid Alhusseini

Eon Sleth: Making New Sounds And Fusions Out Of Jeddah.

Eon Sleth is an artist based out of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He mixes genres and experiments in delivering emotions through music. Resulting in his music becoming a unique fusion.

Can you tell us more about your background as well as your beginnings in music?

Well I started mostly like everyone starts I guess. I grew up listening to everything and was always fascinated by different genres and how they work. At 16, I started making songs, writing with friends, recording them in a closet and posting them on YouTube. Horrible stuff really, but we thought it was pretty cool back then. We showed the songs to everyone at school, and looking back at it now, everyone made constant fun of us. But, I fell in love with music right then and there, I couldn't stop. Until this day, I'm making music knowing that I might never make it or it might be a joke. But the love never really fades you know.

How is it being a musician in Saudi Arabia?

Well I guess it would have been easier if I switch to Arabic music. But so far, it's been tough. Lack of interest means lack of opportunity. But I guess now, it's slowly going somewhere better for us as musicians, and as you can see everyone is trying to jump on this new wave. We have been waiting to feel like we have a chance and now we feel like this is it.

If you could change 3 things about the music scene in Saudi, what would it be?

I would say the language barrier. The commercial aspect is another thing too, I feel like this is why we don't get more creative and diverse in the music that we make. They are looking for the same thing over and over again, which is very limiting. Racial preference is also an issue, some nationalities are accepted and others aren't taken seriously. Even if they have great content and creativity. These three issues would be what I would change to ease everyone's struggle.

With your sound being such a fusion, how to your listeners react to your music and do they ever try do put you in a box?

Well, I usually try to make them vibe with it even if it could be different. Sometimes I make a song that only a certain group would like. Other times, it could be more towards a general audience. So even the people who liked the more mainstream-ish songs, slowly start getting into the rest of my music. But that's only the Brightside. Truth is, a lot of people never get it, and just look the other way into hip hop for example. whether they put me in a box, of course they do. Always saying "your like this or that artist". Even if I don't sound like that at all, not even the genre

Would you ever mix Arabic/Saudi elements with your music?

I would mix Arabic elements if I get the right idea , I'm never against it. Depending on how you use it, it might be different then what's expected, but still beautiful.

What are 5 dream Collaborations of yours?

I would say: 1.Billie Eilish 2.Pierce The Veil 3.Eden 4.Kendrick Lamar 5.Oscar And The Wolf

How about the local scene, Any Middle East based artists you wanna work with?

I think I'd like to work with Flippter. He is weirdly different for a rapper. I'd like to work with Nadine Elroubi as well.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Most probably doing what I love, on a worldwide scale. On a tour with all the people that helped me, and became close friends with me through this hobby

Eon's advice for you:

Never give in to your insecurities and don't look to do things perfectly every time. Or else you will not progress or do anything.

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