Ramsha is a 24 year old Artist based in Dubai. She's been drawing since before she could write, it’s always been a form of self expression for her. Her style is a mix between realism & surrealism- constantly merging what’s right in front of her with her perception & imagination.
Around October of 2020, while we were still adjusting to the “new normal” of masked faces everywhere, she started drawing random strangers she came across. Through this, she was able to regain the human the interaction we all felt was missing, while making someone’s day just a little bit better. This endeavor has turned her into a Tik Tok sensation amassing just over 62k followers on the platform, as well as being featured on popular pages such as "Lovin Dubai."
The term ‘sonder’, is a huge inspiration behind these stranger drawings. The idea that everyone you come across is living a life ‘as complex and as vivid as your own’ is a both grounding and fascinating concept to her. The idea that a quick drawing can wove it’s way into becoming a small part of someone’s story is a fulfilling enough thought for her to keep doing them.

-Which artists were you most inspired by growing up?
Salvador Dali, for his surrealistic approach to life. The idea that our perception is an illustration of our mind is a fascinating concept which I love to explore*. Interestingly, I grew up reading Archie Comics, and practically learned how to draw from the 'How to Draw Archie' pages. I give a lot of credit to Dan DeCarlo and Stan Goldberg.
-Do you feel that drawing strangers you come across had an impact on you, how has it affected you? Yes definitely. I'm really passionate about people in general, particularly fascinated by the idea that every person you come across is living a life as 'vivid and complex' as your own. Through these drawings, where I'm able to physically interact with the 'strangers' is a beautiful reminder of that thought and a small way to make a little mark in someone else's life - who was just a random passerby a few minutes earlier. I've also become more aware, grateful and empathetic as a person. Most of the strangers I've drawn are one of the most hard working people I've met. From leaving their home countries, to working long shifts, or not seeing their families often, I'm both grateful and humbled for the little things in my life, which I now see as luxuries I'm thankful for.
-What was the most memorable reaction you've ever received? It's hard to say since seeing someone get excited about your work is such a warm memory. If I absolutely had to pick one, I'd say it was Maqsood's at the Emarat Petrol Station. Normally, if someone is having a difficult and busy day, they might almost find it annoying that someone stopped them to show a quick drawing they made. I was reluctant at first to do so, not to get in his way during a busy day. However, his reaction made it so worth it. Not only was he happy but so humble and patient about it. Emarat reached out to me later, I hope they give him recognition for the wonderful person & employee he is.
-Do you see yourself turning your artistic talent into a career, if so where do you see yourself 10 years from now as an artist? It's interesting because with a background and degree in Business, I always assumed I'd climb the ladder of the corporate world. However, I no longer see the need to carve and choose one path alone. I've been combining my skills and love for Art and Business since I've graduated, and feel so fulfilled being able to use both. There are many routes to success and self fulfillment which I plan to reach by taking the different paths I come across. 10 years from now, I hope I look back at an interesting journey, where I was able to merge my love and passion for Art, Business, People & Culture, all into one complex, route. I see art in that alone.

Check out Ramsha's work at:
Tik Tok/Ramshaisdrawing
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