Flavius Trica is a 26 year old fashion designer, living in Romania. He does web design, printing and fashion. Although he works with different companies to design different things (like websites, brandings and all that). What he loves the most is to work in fashion. He has a brand where he inserts his designs and ideas without being stalled by anyone. Two years ago he started his own fashion brand, Mstar Clothing & Acc. Also known as HouseofMstar where he designed his first two collections, Vanity which contains one time only edition articles and Devil's Line. The idea of Mstar focuses on exclusivity, "I don't want the t-shirt that he wears to be on 10000 other people" is the phrase that is constentley in his head when desiging clothes, and that stands on Mstar's ground combined with all of his creative ideas.

What Got You Into Design And All It’s Different Forms?
We are living in a world where you are judged by appearance and I like to contribute to that. There are people who, by wearing a special outfit will feel special, it's like they put an armor that gives them confidence. That’s what I want to do! I want to empower people who wear my designs by giving them confidence.

When Did You Start And How Did You Get Into It? (First Program Used, First Design Created, First Inspiration, Etc...)
My first design was a t-shirt featuring some skulls and a message: “until 24 I was a boy, now I’m a designer". I was inspired a lot by Olivier Rousteing, who is the creative director of Balmain, he is doing a great job there. I'm also inspired by McQueen . When I read the life story of Alexander McQueen, I found so many things in common with him and somehow he is still an inspiration although I never met him and probably never will. I also got inspired by movies, books, and old looks that I find on Pinterest . In this tech era, you can find anything you want at a glance from your mobile phone, you just need to open your eyes and the inspiration will come. But the main thing that inspires me is the people. I got inspired by them, they are the main actors here.

How Would You Describe Your Style, And What Is/Are Specific Inspirations For It?
My personal style is a combination of military-casual with small touches of elegance. I like to wear structured clothing from raw materials with military buttons, straight pockets, biker jeans, not large and definitely not super slim, I can’t stand slim trousers on men, it’s gross. I don’t wear the same outfit or something very similar two days on a row, I change it everyday but I try to keep my style even if I wear an elegant shirt or a basic tee. I like denim clothing a lot, is like my favorite material, I also have an obsession for jackets and perfumes. I think for men it’s easier, they should wear clothes that inspire trust, women on the other hand should wear clothes that inspire sex appeal and elegance at the same time, but for both sexes always wear what suits you the most and you will emanate confidence, otherwise you will look and be insecure.

Where Do You See Yourself In 10 Years?
Presenting 4 collections per year and dressing super models for the Met Gala every year, that’s when you know you made it in fashion.

What Is The Future For Your Brand?
Mstar will always keep it’s identity and will follow on the idea that people are unique so why dress them all the same? One thing is for sure, I will never follow trends, I hate trends, they make all people look the same.

What Kind Of Impact Would You Like To Have On The World?
These days designers lack ideas, they create ridiculous outfits just to get out of the box but those outfits tend to make people look like clowns. I want to change that. People should stop wearing a clown outfit in order to be unforgettable and it’s the designers fault, so yeah, I really think I have the power to do that.

Every Visionary Goes Through Struggle/Trails And Tribulation, What Are/Were Yours And How Did You Overcome?
There were struggles with the fabrics mostly. On the first products, I had so many tries regarding prints that failed, bad fabrics etc. until I found the perfect combination in order to create a good article. But I am aware that it is just part of the process and I know that I will encounter more challenges in the future as well, you can’t create something good without failing a few times before. I overcame it through work. When you’re doing what you love you feel relaxed and you don’t feel the pressure the same way. I work a lot, I’m always working, Monday to Sunday. When you’re having a brand and a path to where you want to go then you have to work more than 9-5 Monday to Friday.

What Do You Think About The Fashion Industry In Dubai And The Middle East?
Fashion industry in Middle East is really on a highway to the sky at the moment, from designers and models to influencers and of course the customers who pay a big attention to looks. Apart from the many talented designers based in the Middle East, I am very happy that designers from all over the world are starting to pay big attention to the people in the Middle East, more specifically to Middle Eastern women, creating stunning collections for them. They are the some of the most powerful women that I've encountered and luckily they do know how to take care of themselves so they deserve outfits that will make them remembered. Dubai is starting to become the center of everything (it's already is the center of many things) and luckily fashion is a domain that is on it's list. I think in the next years, Dubai can be a fashion capital, in line with Milano, Paris and New York.
Personally I love the arabic influences especially on clothes, talking about rich embroideries on fabrics, personalised hijabs, arabic ornamental prints on silk scarfs. What can I say?! I can't wait to launch Mstar's Middle East collection, sooner than you will think.

Flavius's Advice For You
The key is to do what you love and always but always stay focused at your plan. My favorite quote?
“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough”
Check Out Flaviou's brand Mstar at: www.mstar-shop.com